Dr. Seung hwan Ko
Seoul National University, South Korea
Prof. Seung Hwan Ko is a professor in Applied Nano & Thermal Science Lab, Mechanical Engineering dept., Seoul National University, Korea. Before joining Seoul National University, he was a faculty at graduate school of EEWS (Energy, Environment, Water and Sustainability), KI nano century, and Department of Mechanical Engineering at KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), Korea. He received his Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering from UC Berkeley in 2006. He worked as a researcher at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab until 2009. His research interest is laser assisted nano/micro fabrication process development, laser-nanomaterial interaction, low temperature process development for flexible, stretchable and wearable electronics, and crack assisted nanomanufacturing.
Abstract : Flexible Sensors and Actuators by Metal Nanowire Percolation Networks